Around the House,  Celebrating my Mom

Christmas Gratitude – 2021

Gratitude is at the very heart of this site and focusing on gratitude has truly allowed me to heal and move forward after my Mom’s passing with grace, hope, and love. When I was little and I wasn’t feeling well or had a bad day my Mom would ask me to make a gratitude list – the goal was to shift my thought towards the good that was actively present instead of focusing on the pain, fear, or negative experience. This practice has stayed with me throughout my adult life and is something I have done with my daughter since she was little- we call it her “happy list”. We all have our “happy lists” – I encourage you to make one this holiday season.

In early November 2021, my Dad sent out my Mom’s small artificial Christmas tree (see below photo) from Iowa for us to enjoy at our home on the Island. We decided to make it a Gratitude Tree. Every night at dinner my husband, daughter, and I would write out a gratitude card and place it on the tree. On Thanksgiving, we read all of the gratitude cards as we enjoyed our holiday meal. Talk about a great way to have a pure & quality conversation!

We enjoyed this SO much that we decided to continue our nightly practice and do the same for Christmas. I want to share some of my gratitude with all of you – here is just a snippet of my list.

  • I am grateful for my relationship with my Mom – she has always been there to love, support, listen, and guide me along the way. I pray that I continue to feel close to her, see her beauty in my surroundings, and to live by her example. She is an expression of living love and I am forever grateful to be her friend & daughter and I will celebrate the gift of her love my entire life.
  • I am grateful for the beauty that can be found in every situation. The love that is expressed in moments of loss, the support shown during challenging times, the opportunity to know there is no separation. I am grateful for the peace and harmony I feel when I surrender to God and truly know that All is Well.
  • I am grateful for fresh flowers and the beauty they bring into our home. I love making pretty little bouquets to place around the house and the creative process in making each one. I am learning that flowers symbolize different qualities like beauty, compassion, love, and friendship. Nature can teach us so much.
  • I am grateful for a hot cup of coffee enjoyed inside our home with the rain pouring outside. Our home has become a safe haven and quiet place nestled amongst the towering trees far from the chaos of the city. I am truly grateful for more space, all of the trees, a more rural feel, and the laid back pace of the Island. I hope we establish our sense of community in 2022.
  • I am grateful for a job that allows me to provide for my family, gives me the flexibility I need in my schedule, and that pushes me to grow in new ways and keeps me challenged.
  • I am grateful for the seasons and the lessons they can teach us. Winter is a time for renewal and purity. Spring is a time for growth, new life, and hope for a prosperous harvest. Summer is a time for warmth, energy, and light. And Fall is a time for letting go of what is no longer serving us and a time for reflection and gratitude.
  • I am grateful for this website and for everyone who is supporting my journey of growth and self discovery. It is a privilege to have a platform to share the inspiration that is coming to me each day.

The list could go on and on and on and for that I am so very grateful. I am wishing you a 2022 filled with love, harmony, and gratitude.

I was born and raised as a farm girl in the Midwest and have spent the past 20 years living in Australia, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest working as a marine mammal biologist. I love spending time with family, gardening, being outside, and I enjoy making delicious meals for my friends and family. My beloved mama, Kelly passed away in late 2020 and this website is dedicated to her - she taught me to be a grateful heart and see the beauty that surrounds me in all that I do.


  • Ashley

    This was such a great reminder and peek into what daily practice of gratitude looks like. I am thankful for your friendship and your loving and helpful ideas and encouragement. I really the way you’ve decorated “Moms Tree” and the tree skirt is SO CUTE! You always inspire me, in light and in depth. Merry Christmas to you our friends! 💕