Celebrating my Mom

One Year: I Am Exercise

Just a few days before my Mom passed away we sat down together in the sunroom at the lake house and did an I Am exercise together. The idea was to each make a list of I Am statements of who we are as spiritual ideas and each time a false claim or belief came forward we would turn to the I Am statements to adjust and correct our thought. After we both made our lists we read them outloud one at a time, alternating back and forth and talking about each one. I then got out a blank piece of paper and lots of colored Sharpies and made the poster you see here.

Here are some examples of statements we wrote; 

  • I am the expression and reflection of a loving and kind God.
  • I am a resident in the Kingdom of Heaven where harmony reins.
  • I am the child of God, a perfect idea forever held in His care.
  • I am enveloped in the Christ and claim my identity within Spirit. 
  • I am at peace, God leads and shows the way. 
  • I am spiritual, matter cannot touch me and it cannot define who I am. 
  • I am pure. 
  • I am a grateful heart. (The inspiration for the name of this site of course!)
  • I am not subjected to the beliefs of sin, disease, and death. 
  • I am held safe in God’s loving care. 

On the day my Mom moved into the next experience I sat by her side for 21 hours straight – time seemed to move differently, the hours disappeared, and I never ran out of words of comfort or prayers to say. Late in the evening approaching midnight I heard a strong clear voice telling me to read the I Am statements to her – I read every single statement we wrote and while reading the very last one she moved on. “I am the joyous song of Soul.”

Our combined “I am” statements resulted in a powerful and healing product that I’ve come to rely on daily for spiritual clarity and growth. I turn to this in moments of sadness or fear of what the future holds without her presence and it brings me peace and comfort to know that these statements reflect who we are together, tied and bound by Love. While I cannot believe it has been a year since she has moved onward I know that time cannot separate true love and that her spiritual perfection has appeared.

Time. Mortal measurements; limits, in which are summed up all human acts, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, knowledge; matter; error; that which begins before, and continues after, what is termed death, until the mortal disappears and spiritual perfection appears. —Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health. p. 595

I was born and raised as a farm girl in the Midwest and have spent the past 20 years living in Australia, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest working as a marine mammal biologist. I love spending time with family, gardening, being outside, and I enjoy making delicious meals for my friends and family. My beloved mama, Kelly passed away in late 2020 and this website is dedicated to her - she taught me to be a grateful heart and see the beauty that surrounds me in all that I do.


  • Donna

    I’m envious of the time you got to spend with your mom during her final hours on Earth. I wasn’t old enough to have that time with my mom and I don’t know if that would have even been possible in the early ’60s anyway. This post is so meaningful in so many ways. Thank you for sharing. Hugs 💞

  • Ashley


    You have such a way of sharing your love and light with this world. Keep telling stories of your wonderful Momma, I am so blessed to know her story and listen to you share her light through your telling of her life experiences. What a legacy she has left alive and well in you.

    I hope you feel her presence surround you always but I hope you feel her extra during this time.

    Sending Love,

    The Maya’s