Simple Living & Learning

Learning How to Make Sourdough Bread

In March of 2024 I went to a workshop with a close friend to learn how to make sourdough bread. I knew nothing about the process involved or how enthusiastic I would become about making hot, fresh, delicious bread at home.

In the past I just wasn’t patient enough to embark on a journey of waiting 24+ hours to pull a loaf of bread out of the oven. As I have navigated grief after my Mom’s passing these past 3 1/2 years I have changed in many ways, I now have enough patience to start making sourdough.

What I am craving right now is simplicity and getting back to the basics- do you feel this too? I am asking myself…What can I make instead of buy? How can I give to others? How can I slow down to a more sustainable pace? How can I be more patient? It turns out sourdough is something I can make & give, and it causes me to slow down and express patience. Win win.

I am nowhere near being a skilled sourdough baker – I’ve only made four loaves and one batch of cinnamon & pecan rolls (absolutely divine!!!). But what I do want to share with you are some tips & resources if you decide this is something you want to try out too…

Tip #1: See if a neighbor, friend, family or community member will share their starter with you instead of making one yourself. You just need 25g of starter to get going, that’s just a couple of tablespoons! Once you have the 25g of starter you can “feed” it 100g of flour (~3/4 cup) and 100g of water (just under 1/2 cup) and that will be enough to make your first loaf of bread. You can even buy sourdough starter from some restaurants that use it for making house bread or pizzas. This will save you 2 weeks.

Tip #2: Write down everything when you are making your first few loaves – this really saved me! In reviewing my notes I figured out I added 3 oz. too much water which explained why my dough was a sticky wet mess!

Tip #3: Be patient with yourself and the process. My first loaf was a little too dense (because of the extra water I added) but it was still delicious. I could have given up at this point but I decided to perfect my process and try again – my second, third, and fourth just got better and better.

Tip #4: Put your starter in the fridge to remove the daily task of “feeding” it. I only bake 1x per week so it just sits in the fridge during the work week when I’m too busy to be in the kitchen throughout the day. Before putting your starter in the fridge “feed” it as you normally would and let it sit out for 1 hour. Put the lid on the jar (loosely) and pop it in the fridge – easy peasy! When you are ready to bake again, pull it out the day before and put it on the counter for a few hours, “feed” it and let it sit overnight. The next morning it will be ready to go!

Tip #5: Call on experts for help and problem solving – there is a whole sourdough community I didn’t even know existed. I have found these sites very helpful…

  • Jill Winger @ The Prairie Homestead has a No Stress Sourdough guide
  • Lisa Bass @ Farmhouse on Boone – so many recipes!
  • The Clever Carrot has the most delicious Sourdough Cinnamon Roll recipe
  • Mike Greenfield @ Sourdough U has some very helpful instructional videos and timelines for baking

Tip #6: Don’t doubt how much joy and confidence making homemade bread will bring you and your loved ones. There is something so wonderful about breaking bread with those you love.

I am a grateful heart.

This photo is of my third loaf of sourdough next to tulips from my garden – I plant them every Fall in honor of my beloved Mom, Kelly. You can also see my sweet rescue Border Collie, Isla resting in the background. This photo captures the things I cherish most – home, peace, flowers, and making delicious food for my husband & daughter to enjoy around the table.

I was born and raised as a farm girl in the Midwest and have spent the past 20 years living in Australia, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest working as a marine mammal biologist. I love spending time with family, gardening, being outside, and I enjoy making delicious meals for my friends and family. My beloved mama, Kelly passed away in late 2020 and this website is dedicated to her - she taught me to be a grateful heart and see the beauty that surrounds me in all that I do.