Delicious Recipes

Drip Latte

I start every morning like most people, with a cup of coffee! But the same cup of drip coffee every morning can get a little bit old so I started thinking about ways to change up my morning cup of coffee without adding a lot of sugar or calories. Enter the drip latte!


  • 4 oz. of your favorite drip coffee
  • 2 oz. of 2% milk – If you prefer to be dairy free I’d encourage you to try this with oat milk, coconut milk beverage, or almond milk.
  • Your preferred method of sweetener – I like to use agave syrup or organic sugar

Supplies: Mug for your coffee, spoon, and a way to steam your milk. I personally use a Capresso froth PRO on the hot setting.

Step One: Add 4 oz. of your drip coffee into your mug. I normally add about 1 tsp of sweetener to my hot drip coffee and mix it in.

Step Two: Place 2 oz. of milk into your Capresso machine and hit the hot setting – it will heat, spin, and froth the milk for you and will automatically turn off when it’s ready.

Step Three: Pour the steamed milk into your coffee and then spoon the milk foam on top.

Step Four: I like to sprinkle another 1/2 tsp. to 1 tsp. sugar on top of the milk foam and stir.

Step Five: Enjoy!

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I was born and raised as a farm girl in the Midwest and have spent the past 20 years living in Australia, Hawaii, and the Pacific Northwest working as a marine mammal biologist. I love spending time with family, gardening, being outside, and I enjoy making delicious meals for my friends and family. My beloved mama, Kelly passed away in late 2020 and this website is dedicated to her - she taught me to be a grateful heart and see the beauty that surrounds me in all that I do.